Adriana Papaleo is a NYC based actor and hairstylist. She is a graduate of Maggie Flanigan School in NYC studying under Charlie Sandlan. She has also studied with notable NYC teachers Karen Chamberlain, Erin Cherry and Maggie Flanigan. She’s tackled the representative roles of Louise in After the Fall, Sister Aloycious in Doubt, and Bianca in Desdemona: A play about a handkerchief. Adriana holds a rare blend of both power and warmth in her work. Her blend of strength and generosity of spirit is both unique and deeply universal.

Prior to acting Adriana spent many years focusing on her creative endeavors. As a member of an International creative team of hairstylists she traveled globally for fashion weeks and education. She also collaborated on an immersive installation with artist Amy Cutler and musician Emily Wells for Site Santa Fe and Leslie Tonkonow Gallery in NYC called FOSSA. The installation consisted of nearly 3,000 feet of hair hand spun into threads and braided over the course of 8 months. Adriana has lead multiple NYC fashion shows and can make a killer pasta. She is adept at public speaking and can play the basics on trumpet, guitar and cello. Adriana can also twirl fire with Poi and is an avid runner.